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Saturday, August 29, 2009

The beginning of school

Gotta give credit where credit is due, Daddy got ahold of the camera and took pics for the first day of school......Yep he went a little camera happy......(can ya tell he loves my new camera)

Wow time has flown by me once again........The kids started school on the 12th and here it is oh 2 wks later......Yep I am having a great time again this year..........

Joshua loves his teacher...........To me she is awesome........

Alyssa thinks her teachers and yes I used plural are awesome.......She absolutely loves them...........She has a home room teacher in the morning and a different teacher in the afternoon for social studies, math and science..........I'm still reserving my opinion but so far it is ok.........I know that Mrs. Wolf stopped a meltdown in progress which is really an awesome thing........Mrs. Morton discovered that Alyssa is having issues with reading cursive (yep knew this but somehow it was forgotten) and has taken steps to impliment "handwriting without tears" its suppose to be a great program........She is having some issues completely her school work so she ends up having to bring it home......Man oh man have I been out of school to long......Send me a teachers manual I might be able to figure it out sometime this year...........

Friday, August 21, 2009

My new baby

He doesn't have a name yet........I'm open for suggestions..........the only names that are out are Jack, Maverick, and Shadow.......He is what you called a tricolored paint......

Monday, August 17, 2009

in reference to my last post

.........Austin is our 3 yr old, so its not like him to be so quiet...........Trust me when his brother and sister are around he is very loud.........But last week when school started he became very quiet and had momma and daddy checking on him several times....he was always playing quietly in his room........

My new nightmare

As a parent, you have a variety of nightmares that at anytime can come true........Worries never end........

We have all heard about kids being left in hot cars and dying.......Normally they are babies........Today this is what happened to our family.......

Kent took Alyssa, Joshua and Austin up the road to the little convinence store to get them a pickle and to get the paper........Normally he doesn't take them.......So this was a nice treat for them as well as for momma......It gave me a couple of minutes alone with Jace..........They were gone for no more then 10 mins........Seriously that is how close this store is........Well they come back to the house and in comes Joshua, Alyssa carrying the paper and Kent carrying the jar of pickles..........No Austin.........I didn't think anything about it because Austin will stay outside and play with the dogs or the cat.......I mean we do live in the country for crying out loud........But normally my baby will come in the house shortly there after...........Well about 10 mins passes and I hollar at them "Where's Austin" at first they didn't answer me so I hollared again "Where's Austin".........Kent tells Alyssa to go get Austin then I hear him say "Oh shit" he is still buckled up in the suburban.........Its a 100 degrees outside...........I flipped however Kent continues to stand in front if the fridge.........I lost it!!!! He went out and got him............Austin was tramatized to say the least...........He had tears rolling down his little cheeks, he was sweating but was ok..........He is upset with his daddy that his daddy forgot him...........I made him stay in the house, set in front of the fan and drink a bottle of water........He was still upset with his daddy when he went to bed..........

Now for those of you who know Kent, knows about his heart condition..........Since it started he has had issues with short term memory loss..........If you know him well enough you also know he denys it, LOL.............I have noticed lately the memory laspes are getting worse but of course you can't tell that to him.........Well as of yesterday, he now sees what I was seeing..........It also bringsthe thought that his heart is not pumping right........The pump side of the heart is what was effected, they told us that even if the meds worked that eventually there could come a time that they just wouldn't anymore.........If this is the case and the pump side is wearing out and it means that not enough oxygen rich blood is being pumped threw his body........Luckily we have an echocardiogram scheduled for tuesday.........He hasn't had one in over a year..........Its time to see what its doing...........When this all started, he doesn't remember hardly anything about the 8 days he spent on death's door.........I took him to the local ER who later told us that if I had decided to drive him to the nearest VA like I had orginally planned on doing that he wouldn't have made it............He was that close to dying then........So for us to be going threw this now is like he is living on borrowed time anyways........I know God has a plan for us, I really would like to know what it is now and not later before it cost me one of my children.........We will be calling the dr here in a bit to leave them a message about what is going on........and hopefully she can give us some insight............

My new nightmare

Each baby has always brought a new nightmare in to my sleep............Well yesterday one of those nightmares actually happened.......

Kent took Alyssa, Joshua and Austin up the road to the little convinence store to get a paper and some pickles.......It was a nice change, gave me a few minutes of quiet time........I mean the store is like 3 miles from the house..........Kent, Alyssa and Joshua come in the house........Austin has a tendacy to lag behind.........Play with the dogs, etc........I didn't think anything about it because usually he comes right in with in about 5-10mins........Well about 10 mins rolls around and I start getting anxious.......I was feeding Jace so I hollared at them........Kent was putting the pickles in the fridge and getting Alyssa and Joshua a pickle........I said "where's Austin" at first they didn't listen so I hollared again louder........Ugh I hate when my family ignores me.........Kent tells Alyssa to go find Austin and then I heard "Oh shit" he is still buckled up in the suburban..........OMG, I about flipped........He continues to stand in front of the fridge...........I lost it......Kent goes out and gets him.....He is fine, he has tears running down his face.........He is sweating but ok...........It was a 100 yesterday and he forgot my baby........I made Austin stay in the house in front of the fan and drink a bottle of water........He is made at Daddy which he has every right to be.......I'm horrified at what could have happened if I didn't know my son that well.......He always comes in to me and tells me he went bye bye and tells me where they went...........It could have been gone in an instant.........All I can think is my dh forgot my baby............

For those of you who know my dh........You also know he has heart issues........We are both worried that one of his meds is causing him to be so forgetful........He has argued with me and argued with me that he doesn't have an issue with memory until yesterday.........

Saturday, August 8, 2009

overload of pics

Just random pics plus some of Alyssa's birthday cake that she asked me to make.......

Friday, August 7, 2009

Silly mysteries

solved...........Here is a link to a very funny article........ http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/08/07/2022164.aspx you may wonder why I am posting this........Because most moms will agree that somewhere out there, there is a sock monster that eats at least one sock per load of white laundry/dark laundry.........But in all seriousness where does the socks go that come up missing never to be found again..........I know for a fact that they are not in Alyssa's room/Joshua's room/my room/the junk room they disappear forever.......most of the time just one sock but there have been times where a whole pair come up missing........UGH..........
This pic was taken when she was just 6 days old and we were getting ready to go home from the hospital


Here she is just a few months ago at the end of May

August 7th, 2000

@ 5:24 pm I gave birth to my first and only girl........Because of my blood pressure climbing they decided it would be best if I delivered her early......So on the night of August 6th-morning of August 7th, I went in to be induced I wasn't due until August 27th and my dr had the nerve to tell me that I could go into september before delivering.........I was induced with my first son so I expected something like what I went threw the first time 7 yrs prior.........I made sure my apartment was clean before I left.....Knowing that I woudln't feel like cleaning it when I got home....Remember Vision ware cookware......Well I had one of their sauce pans.......I ended up breaking it right before I left for the hospital.......I should have known then that nothing was going to go as planned.......

I had had a lot of issues when I was pg with her......I was having contractions from the time I was 16 wks pg.....She had her head on my left hip the entire pregnancy......So why should my labor be any different.......On the thursday before that sunday, Kent was taking an a/c out of window and sliced his arm wide open so off to the ER we went......The PA that we had to do the stitches was betting that I would go in before monday and they wanted to argue with me that it was a girl......I didn't believe that she was a girl until she was born........I also had an u/s that day that showed she was still on my hip......So sunday night rolls around and I go in for my first cervadil........I was tightly closed and thick (I wasn't ready to be induced) but the pill did start the contractions.......They were doing somethign but not enough so they added in the pit........I labored threw it all with only staydol......I wasn't giving in to the epidural at all......7:30 the dr comes in and breaks my water.......I told him then that I thought she was still turned wrong.......He says no she is head down.......but I was only dialated to a 2.......I dont' remember what station........he comes back in at noon and I'm still at a 2, I told him again that she was turned wrong......he said no, no she is just fine.....I continued to labor until about 5:00 when he came in to check me again........I was still at a 2 but now my blood pressure was going up and her heart rate was decelling and not picking back up the way that they would have liked........So they said its time for a c/s.......By this time I had been in labor for over 17 hrs and I was just plain tired.........So off to the OR we go.........Man once they made up their mind that she had to come out it was no time and she was here.....They got me in the OR and a spinal done and her out at 5:24pm.......Just that fast.....She scored 8/9 on her apgars.......Daddy got to carry her to the Nursery and give her her first bath.....All while they sewed me up and sent me to the PP floor.......They also gave me an morphine pump......Wow that thing works......anyways........My baby girl arrived into this world weighing in at 6lbs 9oz and was 19.5 inches long....The funny thing is when she was born she had a cone on the side of her head........Just like I said she was turned wrong and wasn't exactly pressing on my cervix.......She had a headful of reddish blonde hair........And became the center of our world.......We stayed in the hospital til sunday which was my birthday.........She had problems gaining weight and at 9 days old we were back in the hospital because she quite breathing......Here she is today a happy, healthly 9 yr old........Happy Birthday Baby Girl.......

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Update on the

Laundry mountain.........I am conquering it slowly but surely......Having a sick baby is no fun........Plus Kent developed a miagraine yesterday and I had to take him to the dr to get a shot......Toradol is a wonderful drug......heheehe..........

School is starting in 8 days.......(I think thats the offical word from Alyssa, LOL) they start the 12th..........HOLY COW school supplies are expensive this year..........I have spent over $40 on buying just Alyssa's alone and hers are not completely bought yet.........I only spent about $30 on Joshua's and thats all togather.........

Let me start off by saying Walmart is ridiculous on their prices........(glad my momma taught me a thing or two about saving money, LOL) I love the fact that they will price match..........Well this past week I got their sale ad in the mail........In it it said crayola crayons 24 ct were a $1.20, I just seen the exact same thing in Corsicana, TX walmart for 30 cents when we were in texas.........Homeland and Marvins has their sale ads as well but I only get homelands in the mail........Homeland has the exact same crayola crayons for 4 for a $1.......However they were sold out so I took my sale ad to walmart and had them price match...........The lady who checked me out was very surprised at the markup that they had on their stuff compared to the local small town grocery stores........I then picked up marvins sale ad and found out that they had their crayola crayons on sale for 5 for a $1......I got walmart to price match them as well and I bought 10 boxes........I had to buy Joshua 2 boxes and Alyssa 3 boxes for school, so come Janurary when it is time to send more, I really only have enough for 2 times for both kids...........Walmart has single subject spiral notebooks for almost a $1 where as marvins has them for 10 cents a piece.......have to get them at marvins because of brand.........but thats ok, I prefer to get my meats there anyways..........I bought $2 worth and am stocked for the kids for the school year.......Along with loose leaf paper for Alyssa.......Or at least I think I am stocked........I stocked up on glue as well..........Joshua has to have glue bottles while Alyssa has to have glue sticks........The price difference between them is not that great.........Walmart's was 55 cents while both homeland and marvins was 5 for a $1............I bought $4 worth.........half and half.......sticks and bottles......I'm dreading my kids school bill for next year............Lord have mercy I will have 3 kids in school then............

My cravings, LOL

While I was pg with Jace, I fell in love with the 7 layer nachos at Taco Bell.........It has guacomole on it.......Well now that I have had Jace, I don't really care of the 7 layer nachos anymore, LOL........But the guacomole on the other hand I absolutely love.......So tonight I decided to try pioneerwoman's recipe and try out Rick Bayless's way of preparing the avacados for making it.......Yep it is as easy as he makes it look, LOL........

First you cut your avacados in half.....Twist just a bit and one half will come off.......The other half will have your pit in it......Take a knife and hit the pit with it.....basically it will inbed it....Twist slightly to loosen and out it comes.........Then you take a knife and score the avacado......Use a spoon to spoon it out into a bowl.......and wallah you have the avacado pealed..........smash up your avacado and add salt to taste............OM gosh I now have a new addiction.........seriously it so good.......now for the problem........I need an avacado tree........But I don't think they will grow in oklahoma.......