By Lisa Tawn Bergren~
This little book is so awesome. Its a children's book and 3-book treasury. The first story is God Gave us the world...The first sentence in the little story is "what a beautiful world we live in!" I read it to my children and asked them to name the things about our world that they thought was beautiful. It was so thought provoking to see this come alive threw my childrens eyes. The art detail is just as beautiful as the story is..It draws in their attention and keeps til the end of the story.....It talks about how we are all different but yet God made us
The next story is God Gave us Love~ this story takes Little Cub fishing with his Gramps......When we were finished reading this story my step-dad had just passed away a few months before so at the time my children were grieving for their grandfather...It talks about sharing with others...How we should love others unconditionally, no matter what they do....and at this time we were having issues with our children being nice to each other (a bit of sibling rivarly going on) So they really related to how Little Cub could love something but yet not like them at the same time. Again we had a very long discussion about this......The way that these books are written are so easy for young children to understand and help them make better choices......
The 3rd and final story of this book is God Gave us Heaven.....the first sentence in this story is "Papa, what's heav'n?" a very thought provoking subject........Little cub's father goes on to explain that its God's home.....the most amazing place we'll ever get to see....It talks about how God has great plans for your time on earth as well as in his home......talks about how there is nothing bad going on in Heaven......How there will be no more tears, no more sadness, no more pain, only good....only smiles" We couldn't read this story right away because of us moving to another state and then me, their momma getting very sick and almost passed away.......but my little sister read this story to them and talked to them about it.......Its amazing how this book helps children understand God's plan for us....What happens once we go to heaven......My children then went on to have a very good conversation with my mother's pastor and he was amazed at how quizical they were of god and how much understanding that because of this book.......
Life is always full of ups and down and to see life threw a child's eye is like no other.....I will eventually be completing this set as there are more books in the series and my children and I will continue to read them and reread this one again and again as we have.......Thanks for such a heartwarming book...
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"
Monday, November 14, 2011
Where has time gone??
As I ask myself this question, I ponder on what has happened in the last 7 mths that I haven't posted about. Oh there are a bigillion things going on.
First off in May, I left oklahoma to go stay with my Mom for a couple of weeks. It was for the best of our family. Durning this time it became clear that we needed to move closer to family. I didn't care where as long as it included being closer to family. I know now the reason for this. June 11th, Joshua turned 7....Wow where has time gone that my baby boy "turkey" as dubbed by his older sister has turned this time we had discovered a house about an hour from my mother's......It was ideal.....4 bedrooms with a half basement on 4 1/2 acres of land.........Perfect and in our price range.....We decided to let the house go in Oklahoma because Kent's health is failing and he isn't able to take care of the responsibilities of owning a home right now.......So we decided for the best of our family and decided to rent the house in Elmo, yes you read that right.......Elmo as in the red creature from Seasme street, lol.........So we packed up and moved our kids, horses, dog and cat to Elmo Kansas.......We were actually suppose to be out of the house on Saturday the 1st but couldn't do it.......Man you accumlate a lot of stuff living in one place for 5 yrs.....Yikes.........We arrived July 6th after having a few problems along the way including Kent pulling a muscle in his back......he could hardly walk.....thankfully my little brother Bobby and my cousin Jamie's husband, Charles and one of Bobby's friends came to my rescue and unloaded our Uhaul......It was suppose to be back the 8th but it didn't get back until the 9th.......I was exhausted by this time and had been having troubles with my blood sugar.......Kent and I both thought it was from the stress of the move and they did go down a bit but not enough.......I kept pluggin away and got boxes unpacked, got my house sit up.......Had my mom up (its so awesome to have her close enough that she will drive to see me now :D) convinced her to let me keep my nephew and my little sister (My little sister hadn't stayed with me since 2006 when she got 13 stitches on the 13th of July) She brought both Sarah and Wyatt up on the 25th of July........the 26th I woke up coughing.....I had slowed down due to the majority of the boxes being unpacked and Sarah was helping decorate my new house........btw I absolutely love my new house.......the kitchen is enourmous......We basically live in the kitchen around the table because well thats what I have always wanted......I do not want my kids in the living room all the time watching tv, its not good for them......I kept getting worse and on the night of the 27th, Kent told me it sounded like I had pneumonia again.........I had been hospitalized in december of 2008 for it so I took him at his word however with the move we were stuck and it was only days before his paycheck came in........So mom to the rescue again.....She wired me some money and Sarah and I took off to the ER in Abilene........This is now July 28th.........From here on out I have relied on things being told to me by Kent, my sister, and 2 close friends and my mother as well........I walked into Memorial hospital in Abilene on my own.....I got in and things started happening really quick.......Apparently my oxygen saturation levels were at 55%.......I should have not been able to walk into that ER on my own let alone talk to them.....My blood sugars were sky high again.......And sure enough Kent was right, I did have pneumonia........I was in one room and they had me walk to the trama room.......I hear them tell me that they needed to put a tube down my throat to help me breath and had me sign a piece of paper......I remember them talking to my baby sister in the hallway and I remember hearing her say please transfer her to Wichita, we have family down there and we know Wichita better than Topeka......After that I'm not sure what happened until I woke up on my Birthday 16 days later in Wesley Medical Center's CCU......they transferred me by ambulance to Wesley because that is where my mom wanted me to go......Mom had to leave work, drive and pick up Kent and the kids and drive on to Abilene because Sarah just has a learner's permit.......She was distraught to say the least......I don't blame her one bit for not being able to stay with me........Kent said once he got there, he had been in contact with the hospital the whole time and they held the ambulance for him to get there so he could see me one last time.......he rubbed my forehead and told me he would see me in Wichita......He took the kids home, got some clothes and my mom filled up the Suburban (Yikes, thats expensive) thanks mom.......My mom then took my kids to her house while Kent drove on to Wichita to be with me.....They had him on the phone with him and because he wasn't there he said he had to talk to 2 different people to give them consent to start a pic line.....From the time I was in the Trama Room at Abilene I don't remember anything......Kent called my bff, another very close friend of mine and yet another friend of mine.....He forgot to call my cousin so she spent days trying to figure out what was going on (Sorry Paulie)......Everyone rallied around me and prayed......For the first 72 to 96 hours they were not sure I was going to pull threw.........My blood pressure kept bottoming out, they couldn't figure out where the infection was coming from......they speculated that I had a heart attack or a pulmonary embolism.......they sedated and restrained me to keep me from pulling my tube out.....finally I begin to adjust to the tube but I still wasn't cooperating very much........I wonder why......The drs were unable to tell Kent or my mom anything....other than I was very sick....Kent stayed by my bedside, only leaving to go warm up (him complain its cold, never), get a bite to eat or smoke........My kids stayed with my mom.......During my coma I missed our 12th anniversary (hey at least we got to spend it togather alone, lol sorry honey I still love ya) and I also missed Alyssa's 11th birthday but my large family friends came threw with donations and Sheri (a friend of mine who has 10 kids and one on the way) was able to throw a birthday party for her.......While I have a lot of mommy guilt about it I'm glad she got to have fun.........Kent had a lot of time to think about things while I was in the coma....We are closer now then we have ever been......We had numerous plans and drs appts.......Alyssa missed her intake appt at the mental health place, yikes.......It meant that she didn't have her meds.......UH August 7th I was out of the woods but still needed the Vent to breath.......My lungs were not healing as fast as they needed or wanted them to but hey I was still alive, thats what matters...........Finally they told Kent on the 13th that they were going to take my tube out.....they had been weaning me off of the meds that they used to keep in the coma so they knew I was going to wake up because I had been showing signs and they had basically turned off the Vent and I was breathing on my own.......So they knew it was time.......The first thing I remember when I opened my eyes was seeing Kent's face and hearing him say, You just gave me the best birthday present I could have asked for" then he said I love you so much........I tried talking but couldn't (my throat was raw from the tube) he gave me a hug and said he had to go be with the kids but that he loved me and would be back......I looked at the calendar it was August 13th, my birthday........16 days is how long I slept.......the drs nor the nurses would tell me what was going on, why I was in there........I had to wait for Kent to come back the next day........I cried and told him I wanted to go home....I was going to leave AMA, btw I didn't.....He managed to explain a few things to me but things have been coming slowly from him......I was moved upstairs the next day..........When he was up there, he left to get a cup of Joe.......I got up out of bed and promptly fell right on my ass, hiting the cabinets that were in the room.......the nurse was mad at me, I couldn't get back up.......Finally security came in and had a brilliant idea and i was back in bed.......Ok so maybe I'm not ready to be at home........Which I cried some more.......I hated not being able to walk, how could I take care of my kids, my husband, my house.......The dr came in and talked to me.......She was really nice and finally told me what had happened, why I was at Wesley and what was going to happen now that I was awake........Later that night I was moved upstairs..........I couldn't hardly walk......It hurt to walk but the best thing that came of me being in a coma was that I lost 40+lbs while there.......Um hell of a way to loose it but it was great........The best thing yet is that even thou I didn't loose a lot of lbs I lost a lot of inches.........I'm smaller now then what I when I had Alyssa......Yea shocking I know......On the 14th when they moved me out of CCU into a regular room......they put me on a halter to monitor my vitals, that darn thing kept coming off......I had so much fun with it but I barely got any sleep that night because of it.......there was talk of me going into rehab at a nursing home......Yikes I'm to young to be in a Nursing home but I knew that if I went it was because I wasn't strong enough to go home but yet I was to strong for the hospital......So mentally I prepared myself for that......All the while Kent was at home with my kids.......I had one goal in mind and that was to go home to my kids and be home before the first day of school............I actually accomplished that.....I went home on the 17th........I had 4 days of physical therapy......I had a ton of muscle atrophy due to lack of pt while in the coma but no joint lock up.......thank god......I went home with a walker........I couldn't get up on my own, Kent had to help me........I had no strength to do anything........I fell twice after getting home......I seriously wondered why God allowed this to happen to me......I was not one to slow down.......I had 2 bed(pressure) sores that kent had to doctor.........I had to take a shower every night thankfully my grandma had a shower chair that I still have.....the sore on my back healed up within a few weeks.......but the one on my tailbone took more time.......I was sitting up a little bit more everyday but I was in bed by 8:30.......I couldn't help Kent with anything, just getting up and eating was a chore......Mom found me a dr up here and I went to see him about 2 wks after I got out of the hospital.......Dr. Davis was nice but I didn't have the connection there.......I have since seen his partner, Dr. Cook (she is so awesome, I love her plus she goes to my mom's church and my mom had told her about me while I was in the coma so she was privy to the inside history, lol) He said that it would take up to a year to get my strength completely back.......He was acutally suprised how things were going with me by then.....I am a fighter, I have 5 small children at home, there is no way I can slow down......Kent lost it one night and between Alyssa and I we managed to take care of the others.....Hey he has a right to loose it every once in awhile.......the stress finally just got to him.......He admitted he was afraid that I was going to die, that I would leave him......he was the one who was suppose to go first....Um yea that would make sense since he is older than me (muah honey) but we stood united when SRS showed up a couple days later......My house was a wreak due to me just getting home and not being to do anything and Kent was doing the best he could.......They acutally came out because I hadn't filled one of meds.........It was over $200 for a months supply and we just couldn't afford it.......We were in the process of contacting the company to see if they could help us but this was before we could get in to Dr. Davis.....Finally we got into Dr. Davis and he has since filed for the med assistance program and I still haven't heard from them.....but I hadn't needed it as my blood sugars have stayed relatively low.......They finally figured out that I apparently got sick durning the move (hence why my blood sugars were sky high) and when I slowed down it settled into my lungs......Which was just peachy.......I still couldn't get around on my own but I was doing better.....however by this time I constantly freezing......I would be sitting around with a blanket over me shivering and everyone else would be complaining it was hot......they discovered that my kidneys were trying to shut down......I had told them in the hospital that I felt like I was getting an UTI however I didn't have any pain..........I have always gotten an UTI after having a catheder in and this time was no different........I had been throwing up but thought it was just nerves about seeing a new dr........No it was a sign of the had moved into my kidneys and I was running an internal fever.......never a fever when I checked with a thermomoter.........they gave me a shot of rocephian (youch that hurts) and a script for Cipro but did not put me back in hopsital.........woohoo........Kids started school and momma was home.......I went to the school and enrolled them, filled out all my paperwork.........I have had a time getting around as my knees and muscles around my knees are giving me a hard time but hey I am just thankful to be alive.......To be a mom to my kids, to be a wife to my husband.........I survived........the morning after I got home, my mom called and said I needed to come see see this was the reason why I came hoem to begin with........We had been told that Grandma had 3-6 mths to live due to having lung cancer.......but the cancer wasn't going to kill her it was CHF that would......She had kidney cancer years ago and had had to have the one kidney removed........You can live with one kidney but it makes for her to retain fluid......And with her cancer they had to take her off of her lasix which kept her from retaining the fluid......We were devastated to say the least..........So we had expected her to go but I wasn't expecting this........ I knew for mom to call me when I was so sick that it was serious.........I got to spend a few hours with Grandma before I went home and to bed.......Mom had a wheelchair waiting on me at the door of the nursing home........Grandma passed away that same night.........August 18th...........My mother in law's birthday............I was happy that Grandma had gone home but I am still very sad that I couldn't spend more time with her........After all she was my last living Grandma.........yes J.D.'s mother is still alive but I don't know her that well......I was already grown and out of the house when mom married J.D...............So life has flown before us.......I'm moving around pretty good now........Jace has been horrible about sneaking out, we had to put pins in the sliding doors to keep him from escaping out........I still can't get up from my chair in the living room by myself or the couch for that matter........but I can stay up for longer periods of time.......My A1C is down to 6.1 which is basically normal.....Got Alyssa in for her appts on her meds.......finally got her back on her meds...........Have had to take her to Broken Arrow to the orthodontist about her braces as we can't find anyone up here to take over her care.........And even thou it has only been 5 months since her last treatment, She will get her braces off in Janurary and will have a retainer..........A full 6 mths ahead of schedule.......she was suppose to have them on til July.........woohoo......She is recieving pt for her knee from the fall durning the blizzards that hit oklahoma in feburary while she was chasing her chickens.......thats a whole nother story, LOL........We did flag football this year and Kent was coach......OMGosh that was so crazy.....Wrestling season starts tomorrow........Joshua has camp all this week and practice starts the 22nd...Jace and ChiAnne both have to have speech therapy.......ChiAnne also has to have physical therapy.......According to mom she walks like her hips are out of joint......we knew that this could be a problem as with preemies their legs flop open due to no muscle tone......we had hoped she would outgrow it.....but still hasn' she will have therapy,not sure when it will start but it better start soon, LOL........Its now the middle of November.......I'm making plans for thanksgiving and buying christmas gifts......I'm enjoying being the mom to my kids that they need........I am not taking one moment for granted as you never know how long we have on this earth....I promise to try to keep up with my blog more often and post more pics asap.......but for your families like there is no tomorrow.......oh and I still love my new house, LOL........
First off in May, I left oklahoma to go stay with my Mom for a couple of weeks. It was for the best of our family. Durning this time it became clear that we needed to move closer to family. I didn't care where as long as it included being closer to family. I know now the reason for this. June 11th, Joshua turned 7....Wow where has time gone that my baby boy "turkey" as dubbed by his older sister has turned this time we had discovered a house about an hour from my mother's......It was ideal.....4 bedrooms with a half basement on 4 1/2 acres of land.........Perfect and in our price range.....We decided to let the house go in Oklahoma because Kent's health is failing and he isn't able to take care of the responsibilities of owning a home right now.......So we decided for the best of our family and decided to rent the house in Elmo, yes you read that right.......Elmo as in the red creature from Seasme street, lol.........So we packed up and moved our kids, horses, dog and cat to Elmo Kansas.......We were actually suppose to be out of the house on Saturday the 1st but couldn't do it.......Man you accumlate a lot of stuff living in one place for 5 yrs.....Yikes.........We arrived July 6th after having a few problems along the way including Kent pulling a muscle in his back......he could hardly walk.....thankfully my little brother Bobby and my cousin Jamie's husband, Charles and one of Bobby's friends came to my rescue and unloaded our Uhaul......It was suppose to be back the 8th but it didn't get back until the 9th.......I was exhausted by this time and had been having troubles with my blood sugar.......Kent and I both thought it was from the stress of the move and they did go down a bit but not enough.......I kept pluggin away and got boxes unpacked, got my house sit up.......Had my mom up (its so awesome to have her close enough that she will drive to see me now :D) convinced her to let me keep my nephew and my little sister (My little sister hadn't stayed with me since 2006 when she got 13 stitches on the 13th of July) She brought both Sarah and Wyatt up on the 25th of July........the 26th I woke up coughing.....I had slowed down due to the majority of the boxes being unpacked and Sarah was helping decorate my new house........btw I absolutely love my new house.......the kitchen is enourmous......We basically live in the kitchen around the table because well thats what I have always wanted......I do not want my kids in the living room all the time watching tv, its not good for them......I kept getting worse and on the night of the 27th, Kent told me it sounded like I had pneumonia again.........I had been hospitalized in december of 2008 for it so I took him at his word however with the move we were stuck and it was only days before his paycheck came in........So mom to the rescue again.....She wired me some money and Sarah and I took off to the ER in Abilene........This is now July 28th.........From here on out I have relied on things being told to me by Kent, my sister, and 2 close friends and my mother as well........I walked into Memorial hospital in Abilene on my own.....I got in and things started happening really quick.......Apparently my oxygen saturation levels were at 55%.......I should have not been able to walk into that ER on my own let alone talk to them.....My blood sugars were sky high again.......And sure enough Kent was right, I did have pneumonia........I was in one room and they had me walk to the trama room.......I hear them tell me that they needed to put a tube down my throat to help me breath and had me sign a piece of paper......I remember them talking to my baby sister in the hallway and I remember hearing her say please transfer her to Wichita, we have family down there and we know Wichita better than Topeka......After that I'm not sure what happened until I woke up on my Birthday 16 days later in Wesley Medical Center's CCU......they transferred me by ambulance to Wesley because that is where my mom wanted me to go......Mom had to leave work, drive and pick up Kent and the kids and drive on to Abilene because Sarah just has a learner's permit.......She was distraught to say the least......I don't blame her one bit for not being able to stay with me........Kent said once he got there, he had been in contact with the hospital the whole time and they held the ambulance for him to get there so he could see me one last time.......he rubbed my forehead and told me he would see me in Wichita......He took the kids home, got some clothes and my mom filled up the Suburban (Yikes, thats expensive) thanks mom.......My mom then took my kids to her house while Kent drove on to Wichita to be with me.....They had him on the phone with him and because he wasn't there he said he had to talk to 2 different people to give them consent to start a pic line.....From the time I was in the Trama Room at Abilene I don't remember anything......Kent called my bff, another very close friend of mine and yet another friend of mine.....He forgot to call my cousin so she spent days trying to figure out what was going on (Sorry Paulie)......Everyone rallied around me and prayed......For the first 72 to 96 hours they were not sure I was going to pull threw.........My blood pressure kept bottoming out, they couldn't figure out where the infection was coming from......they speculated that I had a heart attack or a pulmonary embolism.......they sedated and restrained me to keep me from pulling my tube out.....finally I begin to adjust to the tube but I still wasn't cooperating very much........I wonder why......The drs were unable to tell Kent or my mom anything....other than I was very sick....Kent stayed by my bedside, only leaving to go warm up (him complain its cold, never), get a bite to eat or smoke........My kids stayed with my mom.......During my coma I missed our 12th anniversary (hey at least we got to spend it togather alone, lol sorry honey I still love ya) and I also missed Alyssa's 11th birthday but my large family friends came threw with donations and Sheri (a friend of mine who has 10 kids and one on the way) was able to throw a birthday party for her.......While I have a lot of mommy guilt about it I'm glad she got to have fun.........Kent had a lot of time to think about things while I was in the coma....We are closer now then we have ever been......We had numerous plans and drs appts.......Alyssa missed her intake appt at the mental health place, yikes.......It meant that she didn't have her meds.......UH August 7th I was out of the woods but still needed the Vent to breath.......My lungs were not healing as fast as they needed or wanted them to but hey I was still alive, thats what matters...........Finally they told Kent on the 13th that they were going to take my tube out.....they had been weaning me off of the meds that they used to keep in the coma so they knew I was going to wake up because I had been showing signs and they had basically turned off the Vent and I was breathing on my own.......So they knew it was time.......The first thing I remember when I opened my eyes was seeing Kent's face and hearing him say, You just gave me the best birthday present I could have asked for" then he said I love you so much........I tried talking but couldn't (my throat was raw from the tube) he gave me a hug and said he had to go be with the kids but that he loved me and would be back......I looked at the calendar it was August 13th, my birthday........16 days is how long I slept.......the drs nor the nurses would tell me what was going on, why I was in there........I had to wait for Kent to come back the next day........I cried and told him I wanted to go home....I was going to leave AMA, btw I didn't.....He managed to explain a few things to me but things have been coming slowly from him......I was moved upstairs the next day..........When he was up there, he left to get a cup of Joe.......I got up out of bed and promptly fell right on my ass, hiting the cabinets that were in the room.......the nurse was mad at me, I couldn't get back up.......Finally security came in and had a brilliant idea and i was back in bed.......Ok so maybe I'm not ready to be at home........Which I cried some more.......I hated not being able to walk, how could I take care of my kids, my husband, my house.......The dr came in and talked to me.......She was really nice and finally told me what had happened, why I was at Wesley and what was going to happen now that I was awake........Later that night I was moved upstairs..........I couldn't hardly walk......It hurt to walk but the best thing that came of me being in a coma was that I lost 40+lbs while there.......Um hell of a way to loose it but it was great........The best thing yet is that even thou I didn't loose a lot of lbs I lost a lot of inches.........I'm smaller now then what I when I had Alyssa......Yea shocking I know......On the 14th when they moved me out of CCU into a regular room......they put me on a halter to monitor my vitals, that darn thing kept coming off......I had so much fun with it but I barely got any sleep that night because of it.......there was talk of me going into rehab at a nursing home......Yikes I'm to young to be in a Nursing home but I knew that if I went it was because I wasn't strong enough to go home but yet I was to strong for the hospital......So mentally I prepared myself for that......All the while Kent was at home with my kids.......I had one goal in mind and that was to go home to my kids and be home before the first day of school............I actually accomplished that.....I went home on the 17th........I had 4 days of physical therapy......I had a ton of muscle atrophy due to lack of pt while in the coma but no joint lock up.......thank god......I went home with a walker........I couldn't get up on my own, Kent had to help me........I had no strength to do anything........I fell twice after getting home......I seriously wondered why God allowed this to happen to me......I was not one to slow down.......I had 2 bed(pressure) sores that kent had to doctor.........I had to take a shower every night thankfully my grandma had a shower chair that I still have.....the sore on my back healed up within a few weeks.......but the one on my tailbone took more time.......I was sitting up a little bit more everyday but I was in bed by 8:30.......I couldn't help Kent with anything, just getting up and eating was a chore......Mom found me a dr up here and I went to see him about 2 wks after I got out of the hospital.......Dr. Davis was nice but I didn't have the connection there.......I have since seen his partner, Dr. Cook (she is so awesome, I love her plus she goes to my mom's church and my mom had told her about me while I was in the coma so she was privy to the inside history, lol) He said that it would take up to a year to get my strength completely back.......He was acutally suprised how things were going with me by then.....I am a fighter, I have 5 small children at home, there is no way I can slow down......Kent lost it one night and between Alyssa and I we managed to take care of the others.....Hey he has a right to loose it every once in awhile.......the stress finally just got to him.......He admitted he was afraid that I was going to die, that I would leave him......he was the one who was suppose to go first....Um yea that would make sense since he is older than me (muah honey) but we stood united when SRS showed up a couple days later......My house was a wreak due to me just getting home and not being to do anything and Kent was doing the best he could.......They acutally came out because I hadn't filled one of meds.........It was over $200 for a months supply and we just couldn't afford it.......We were in the process of contacting the company to see if they could help us but this was before we could get in to Dr. Davis.....Finally we got into Dr. Davis and he has since filed for the med assistance program and I still haven't heard from them.....but I hadn't needed it as my blood sugars have stayed relatively low.......They finally figured out that I apparently got sick durning the move (hence why my blood sugars were sky high) and when I slowed down it settled into my lungs......Which was just peachy.......I still couldn't get around on my own but I was doing better.....however by this time I constantly freezing......I would be sitting around with a blanket over me shivering and everyone else would be complaining it was hot......they discovered that my kidneys were trying to shut down......I had told them in the hospital that I felt like I was getting an UTI however I didn't have any pain..........I have always gotten an UTI after having a catheder in and this time was no different........I had been throwing up but thought it was just nerves about seeing a new dr........No it was a sign of the had moved into my kidneys and I was running an internal fever.......never a fever when I checked with a thermomoter.........they gave me a shot of rocephian (youch that hurts) and a script for Cipro but did not put me back in hopsital.........woohoo........Kids started school and momma was home.......I went to the school and enrolled them, filled out all my paperwork.........I have had a time getting around as my knees and muscles around my knees are giving me a hard time but hey I am just thankful to be alive.......To be a mom to my kids, to be a wife to my husband.........I survived........the morning after I got home, my mom called and said I needed to come see see this was the reason why I came hoem to begin with........We had been told that Grandma had 3-6 mths to live due to having lung cancer.......but the cancer wasn't going to kill her it was CHF that would......She had kidney cancer years ago and had had to have the one kidney removed........You can live with one kidney but it makes for her to retain fluid......And with her cancer they had to take her off of her lasix which kept her from retaining the fluid......We were devastated to say the least..........So we had expected her to go but I wasn't expecting this........ I knew for mom to call me when I was so sick that it was serious.........I got to spend a few hours with Grandma before I went home and to bed.......Mom had a wheelchair waiting on me at the door of the nursing home........Grandma passed away that same night.........August 18th...........My mother in law's birthday............I was happy that Grandma had gone home but I am still very sad that I couldn't spend more time with her........After all she was my last living Grandma.........yes J.D.'s mother is still alive but I don't know her that well......I was already grown and out of the house when mom married J.D...............So life has flown before us.......I'm moving around pretty good now........Jace has been horrible about sneaking out, we had to put pins in the sliding doors to keep him from escaping out........I still can't get up from my chair in the living room by myself or the couch for that matter........but I can stay up for longer periods of time.......My A1C is down to 6.1 which is basically normal.....Got Alyssa in for her appts on her meds.......finally got her back on her meds...........Have had to take her to Broken Arrow to the orthodontist about her braces as we can't find anyone up here to take over her care.........And even thou it has only been 5 months since her last treatment, She will get her braces off in Janurary and will have a retainer..........A full 6 mths ahead of schedule.......she was suppose to have them on til July.........woohoo......She is recieving pt for her knee from the fall durning the blizzards that hit oklahoma in feburary while she was chasing her chickens.......thats a whole nother story, LOL........We did flag football this year and Kent was coach......OMGosh that was so crazy.....Wrestling season starts tomorrow........Joshua has camp all this week and practice starts the 22nd...Jace and ChiAnne both have to have speech therapy.......ChiAnne also has to have physical therapy.......According to mom she walks like her hips are out of joint......we knew that this could be a problem as with preemies their legs flop open due to no muscle tone......we had hoped she would outgrow it.....but still hasn' she will have therapy,not sure when it will start but it better start soon, LOL........Its now the middle of November.......I'm making plans for thanksgiving and buying christmas gifts......I'm enjoying being the mom to my kids that they need........I am not taking one moment for granted as you never know how long we have on this earth....I promise to try to keep up with my blog more often and post more pics asap.......but for your families like there is no tomorrow.......oh and I still love my new house, LOL........
Life fastford
Elmo, KS 67451, USA
Monday, April 4, 2011
Austin James Levi
was born at 11:49 am 5 yrs ago today.......My 3rd son....I knew he was a boy by all the problems he was giving me...To describe Austin in a nutshell would be his Granny's words "I can see the devil dancing in his eyes" this is the boy who makes plans, who takes off without talking to mom first...This it the boy who acts like a girl when it comes to spider and snakes.....The kind hearted boy who asked to buy a rose for his foster grandmother (she is in his classroom as a volunteer) and then had to include his teacher and his assistant teacher to as he didn't want them to feel left out....This is the boy who asked for one thing this year and that was to talk to his Great Granny who isn't doing very well healthwise......He said "I want to tell I miss her, I love her" and that was arranged by his daddy....He is so kind hearted.....That tonight it broke his heart when Joshua told him that he broke his heart that he wouldn't let Joshua have his brand new hotwheels in the bathtub......But I am proud that my son also stood his ground and didn't allow his big brother to convince him to give them up.......This is the compasionite boy who kept asking my bff if she was ok as they were walking in walmart......This is the little boy that she picked up and put on her shoulders so I could eat at a resturant and he played in her hair...Quite funny if I do say so myselft, LOL.......I hope the rest of his life is as fun filled as his first 5 yrs have been....Happy Birthday Austin......I love you!!! (PICS are not going to be coming for awhile, can't upload any new ones)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I am a large family mom
And darn proud of it...I'm sorry if the size of my family offends you or if it seems that I always have drama in my life....Well when you are a mom of 6 kids, married to a disabled military vet......there will always be drama.....Yes I only have 5 kids at home, hopefully soon that will change as he turns 18 in a matter of weeks....No my dh does not work, he would love to work but the drs have said NO way Jose so they put him on a military pension............Yes there are days we struggle to make ends meat but ya know thanks to my momma I do know how to make a dollar stretch and get what my kids need....And sometimes what they want.....My kids have never ever gone with out anything that they have needed......Now I will admit that they have done without things they want because well you don't always get what you want in life.........I have seen where a family of four spends close to a $1000 a month on groceries and it pisses them off when for a family of 7, I spend $400, sometimes a little less........sometimes more.....they can't see how I do it.......Its called planning and shopping sales......I'm sorry if our measly little pension isn't enough to satisfy you and your little clic......No we are not rich but we do own our own home, drive a 10 yr old suv (yes it is damaged thanks to dh's wreck) but does that change who I am....No it does not........And who are you to judge who I am, what I is not your place, it is God's place.....I don't need your drama filled craptastic followers........Grow some cahonas and have the balls to tell a person that they have offended you in some way and move on about it.........Like the title to this post!!!! I am a large family mom and dam proud of it........
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Excuse this house
Some houses try to hide the fact
That children shelter there,
Ours boasts it quite openly,
The signs are everywhere.
For smears are on the windows,
Little smudges are on the doors
I should apologize, I guess
For toys strewn on the floor.
But I sat down with my child
And we played and laughed and read
And if the doorbell doesn’t shine,
His eyes will shine instead.
For when at times I’m forced to choose
The one job or the other,
I’d like to cook and clean and scrub,
But first I’ll be a mother.
~ Author Unknown
That children shelter there,
Ours boasts it quite openly,
The signs are everywhere.
For smears are on the windows,
Little smudges are on the doors
I should apologize, I guess
For toys strewn on the floor.
But I sat down with my child
And we played and laughed and read
And if the doorbell doesn’t shine,
His eyes will shine instead.
For when at times I’m forced to choose
The one job or the other,
I’d like to cook and clean and scrub,
But first I’ll be a mother.
~ Author Unknown
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Please consider doing this class
Last friday, I almost lost my 22 mth old son due to him choking on some food. He went limp and actually passed out........but thankfully due to my training that the NICU that that same son was in we were required to take a CPR class......Before that it had been almost 9 yrs since I had updated my cpr training.......As a mother that is not a face I want to see on my precious child's face again......Please take the time to take the class....You never know whose life you might need to help save!!
Last friday, I almost lost my 22 mth old son due to him choking on some food. He went limp and actually passed out........but thankfully due to my training that the NICU that that same son was in we were required to take a CPR class......Before that it had been almost 9 yrs since I had updated my cpr training.......As a mother that is not a face I want to see on my precious child's face again......Please take the time to take the class....You never know whose life you might need to help save!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
ChiAnne Renee Rose
My 2nd daughter was born 1 yr ago this evening. I can not believe that one year has passed. How is that possible. She is one of the most quiet, patient children that I have ever met. She is so laid back and calm. She has finally discovered that she has a voice, she has to state her demands and boy can she. She is cutting molars so she is not a happy camper, not only that she is sick again.

This is Daddy holding his baby girl for the first time, she was about 12 hrs old

And this is my baby girl just a few days ago..........I love this pic, it shows her ornery side........Yes she is very very ornery......I promise I will get some updated pics soon of her and all the kids...
This is Daddy holding his baby girl for the first time, she was about 12 hrs old

And this is my baby girl just a few days ago..........I love this pic, it shows her ornery side........Yes she is very very ornery......I promise I will get some updated pics soon of her and all the kids...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Jace Andrew Lane
This is Jace today 2-8-11
This is Jace 2-7-11
My 5th born, my 4th son.......The child that God gave to test my patience and learn to listen to him. All in God's timing. God's way of saying wake up, I've giving you a special child and you will take care of him and teach him as he will teach you and that he has......My little boy is now fighting a deadly infection in his blood stream.....We have been fighting the flu......High fever, chills, coughing, body aches you name it Jace, ChiAnne and I had it.....We were miserable.........It started at the height of the blizzard (of which I will post pics later) and our drs were snowed in and couldn't get out.....Well ChiAnne had hers the week before so she was seen and of course the antibotics flowed.......along with steroids and cough meds again...well fast forward to saturday.....Jace is finally feeling somewhat better and goes to play with Joshua and Austin.....After about 20 mins he comes out of the hallway crying.....I pick him up, dry his tears, notice the skin around his eye is red (going up towards the nose) I made sure there was no opening, scratch......Ya know he is my allergy kid, the kid with a comprimised immune system..I so enjoy his cuddles as they are few and far between as he is a daddy's boy for the most he fell asleep and I had Daddy move him to his bed......He woke up a couple hours later and his eye was swollen half shut....We had Dee come over and babysit the other kids so we could take him to the ER......The ER is the Er....I would have much rather gone to the Urgent care but yeah they are not open 24/7 unfortnatly......The dr that we seen, I have never seen before is an egotistic arrogant, pompus man...Refused to listen to me when I told him he didn't need held down to look at his ears.....He wanted a strep test.....Um excuse me, he doesn't have strep......He has the flu, he is sick and now his eye is swollen shut.....GGGGGGGRRRRRRRR well the one thing that he did do right was tell us to follow up monday with our pcp or come back to the ER if he couldn't get us in........So monday morning Kent called and get him in to see Dr. Collier......Dr. Collier wasn't impressed with the ER's report and did blood work...It was then that my world was rocked to its core.....He has a bacterial infection and whats worse is it has spread to his blood stream.......It means hospitalization and it also means we have to go to Tulsa as our small town hospital is not equiped to handle Jace's infection...Whats worse is we have to be admitted threw the ER.....It takes over 4 hrs to get a room and repeating of all tests.....And fighting with them to get him something for the pain......Saturday they told us to chase his motrin.....basically he was getting a dose of motrin every 4 hrs and then a dose of tylenol every 4 hrs......but not togather and it figured out that he was getting a dose every 2 hrs......well the ER wouldn't do that.....He screamed in pain for almost 3 hrs straight........They finally gave him tylenol after letting him suffer like that about 5 mins before transport shows up to take him to his room......Oh geez finally!!!! We get upstairs and I'm impressed, there is a dr, a Cna, and a Nurse all waiting on him.....He should be admitted to the PICU but the PICU is full so he is on the floor in isolation but has all the PICU specialities...Which is great....Daddy is staying up there with him as I can not as I have the same eye infection he does as well as the flu......I'm getting over the flu but I still have that yucky cough.....the eye is finally clearing up and we are now getting pounded with another snow storm........Our 3rd in a week.......Seriously.......In the last week we are actually looking at breaking a snowfall record for the year......Being the snowiest on record.......A record that I could have easily let stand for all time to come......I will post about the 20 inches of snow that is still on the ground from last week or the 4.5 inches of snow that has snowed since then that did somewhat melt....or how about the 8+ inches that we might or might not get today.........Nope nope nope......My posts are focusing on my one and only Jace Andrew Lane.....The little man with the doe brown eyes who stole my heart......and who right now, his hug and kiss is the only thing that I can think of that will heal his momma's broken and turmoiled heart.......
This is Jace 2-7-11
My 5th born, my 4th son.......The child that God gave to test my patience and learn to listen to him. All in God's timing. God's way of saying wake up, I've giving you a special child and you will take care of him and teach him as he will teach you and that he has......My little boy is now fighting a deadly infection in his blood stream.....We have been fighting the flu......High fever, chills, coughing, body aches you name it Jace, ChiAnne and I had it.....We were miserable.........It started at the height of the blizzard (of which I will post pics later) and our drs were snowed in and couldn't get out.....Well ChiAnne had hers the week before so she was seen and of course the antibotics flowed.......along with steroids and cough meds again...well fast forward to saturday.....Jace is finally feeling somewhat better and goes to play with Joshua and Austin.....After about 20 mins he comes out of the hallway crying.....I pick him up, dry his tears, notice the skin around his eye is red (going up towards the nose) I made sure there was no opening, scratch......Ya know he is my allergy kid, the kid with a comprimised immune system..I so enjoy his cuddles as they are few and far between as he is a daddy's boy for the most he fell asleep and I had Daddy move him to his bed......He woke up a couple hours later and his eye was swollen half shut....We had Dee come over and babysit the other kids so we could take him to the ER......The ER is the Er....I would have much rather gone to the Urgent care but yeah they are not open 24/7 unfortnatly......The dr that we seen, I have never seen before is an egotistic arrogant, pompus man...Refused to listen to me when I told him he didn't need held down to look at his ears.....He wanted a strep test.....Um excuse me, he doesn't have strep......He has the flu, he is sick and now his eye is swollen shut.....GGGGGGGRRRRRRRR well the one thing that he did do right was tell us to follow up monday with our pcp or come back to the ER if he couldn't get us in........So monday morning Kent called and get him in to see Dr. Collier......Dr. Collier wasn't impressed with the ER's report and did blood work...It was then that my world was rocked to its core.....He has a bacterial infection and whats worse is it has spread to his blood stream.......It means hospitalization and it also means we have to go to Tulsa as our small town hospital is not equiped to handle Jace's infection...Whats worse is we have to be admitted threw the ER.....It takes over 4 hrs to get a room and repeating of all tests.....And fighting with them to get him something for the pain......Saturday they told us to chase his motrin.....basically he was getting a dose of motrin every 4 hrs and then a dose of tylenol every 4 hrs......but not togather and it figured out that he was getting a dose every 2 hrs......well the ER wouldn't do that.....He screamed in pain for almost 3 hrs straight........They finally gave him tylenol after letting him suffer like that about 5 mins before transport shows up to take him to his room......Oh geez finally!!!! We get upstairs and I'm impressed, there is a dr, a Cna, and a Nurse all waiting on him.....He should be admitted to the PICU but the PICU is full so he is on the floor in isolation but has all the PICU specialities...Which is great....Daddy is staying up there with him as I can not as I have the same eye infection he does as well as the flu......I'm getting over the flu but I still have that yucky cough.....the eye is finally clearing up and we are now getting pounded with another snow storm........Our 3rd in a week.......Seriously.......In the last week we are actually looking at breaking a snowfall record for the year......Being the snowiest on record.......A record that I could have easily let stand for all time to come......I will post about the 20 inches of snow that is still on the ground from last week or the 4.5 inches of snow that has snowed since then that did somewhat melt....or how about the 8+ inches that we might or might not get today.........Nope nope nope......My posts are focusing on my one and only Jace Andrew Lane.....The little man with the doe brown eyes who stole my heart......and who right now, his hug and kiss is the only thing that I can think of that will heal his momma's broken and turmoiled heart.......
Monday, January 24, 2011
Tandem by Tracey Bateman
I received this book to write a review
The first couple of chapters are confusing. It changes from one person's point of view to another and then again to yet another. But as I persevered and kept reading I realized that the 3 story lines were linked togather. The small town in the ozarks is rocked by murders and animal killings. Its crime, passion, Daddy's little girls, and vampires all in one. It is billed as a christian book however God is not the forefront of this book. I did like this book and will be trying to find the first book in this series "Thirsty".
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"
The first couple of chapters are confusing. It changes from one person's point of view to another and then again to yet another. But as I persevered and kept reading I realized that the 3 story lines were linked togather. The small town in the ozarks is rocked by murders and animal killings. Its crime, passion, Daddy's little girls, and vampires all in one. It is billed as a christian book however God is not the forefront of this book. I did like this book and will be trying to find the first book in this series "Thirsty".
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"
Monday, January 3, 2011
Long overdue update
December was a very hard month for us....First it was the first December without J.D. I've lost all my pics on my computer but they are recoverable just have to put the hard drive in another computer (thank you Jace).......then in a span of 8 hours my world fell apart......We have a new member to our family.....her name is Bella......She was 7mths old and as ornery as can be.......She is quarter horse mix.....the girl is bigger than Shadow......I will post pics of her later......She had never been off the farm where she was born, hardly ever been worked with.....She didn't have a halter on (she had had one at one time but they left it on her to long and she refused to have another one on) yep now she has one on....She also hadn't been lead rope trained......within several hours that friday night she was trained....but still not loaded in a trailer.......then my phone was my mom.......She had horrible news....My grandmother had been given 3-6 mths to live.....back in May she had been diagnosed with Lung cancer that we were told was slow growing and that could be treated with gamma knife radation and something else and it would be fine.....Well she couldn't shake a cough so mom finally got her to go to her pcp and this is what the pcp stated upon an xray.....(more to this story later)....I get home and called my little sister.....well she is my little sister by 6 mths, LOL.......Long story about how she is related but don't ask....she proceeds to tell me that my nephew Tyler is having a biospy done on a lymph node because it is severly swollen and they are suspecting lymphoma......(more to this story later as well, lol) and then I said forget it and went to bed at midnight.....A friend needed Kent's help and come by shortly thereafter and it was then discovered that stuff was missing off the patio......Mainly tools, the chainsaw that my brother gave to kent and about $300 worth of food, tp, and pt.....UGH.....And the propane tanks that go to my cookstove and my grill.........Now I'm pissed......The tools wouldn't be so bad but they took the food that I bought for my children......GGGGRRRR.....I had just been to sam's fast forward to tuesday......Tyler is having his biospy done...Come to find out he has "cat scratch fever" which is what the dr thought to begin with but the antibotics were not helping it.....Switched antibotics and cleaned out all the infection then I get a phone call later that evening that Tyler is fine but my sister's house burnt down.....No one is hurt, crap no one is even home....but still right before christmas......Then I also get a phone call from my mom about my grandma.....They took my grandma to the oncologist and the oncologist is mad because well the pcp didn't do the right test and should have never opened his mouth......His mouth overloaded his ass...(sorry guys for the french) but its the truth :d so the oncologist orders the PET scan for the 16th and sent them home...the 16th rolls around and well nothing major is happening.....We were told that we would have results on the 21st. So the whole entire family is praying for a christmas miracle for Grandma and one for my cousin Michael.....drum roll the 21st is here and the oncologist gives us the news that it is NOT a tumor that it is scar tissue and grandma is fine, the cancer has not now we only have one christmas miracle to wish for and that is Michael's test results to show that his cancer has either gone into remission or that it is stable.......And we get blessed with that miracle as well....Michael is stable.....I'm estatic!!!
Ok, so we are moosing along December, have an ok christmas, was suppose to go to mom's but with all that happened well I didn't have the money to go.....Then on the 30th, I had scheduled Austin for tubes in his ears.....That trip went as scheduled, I was going to leave for mom's the next day.....yea that plan was cancelled as well.....because well Pictures are worth a thousand words
yea that is my suburban.......40+ mph winds and a top heavy vehicle doesn't mix.......kent lost control due to the wind causing him to fishtail and he hit the curb and rolled it......Austin was strapped in his carseat......I pushed for extended 5 pt harnessing and I am very thankful that I did....He was on the passenger side (this is the drivers side) he would have been thrown around........He did end up with a black eye from something flying but he is fine.......Kent is fine, his ego on the other hand isn't......Mommy on the other hand is just thankful that her boys are ok......Material things can be replaced, they can not..........
Ok, so we are moosing along December, have an ok christmas, was suppose to go to mom's but with all that happened well I didn't have the money to go.....Then on the 30th, I had scheduled Austin for tubes in his ears.....That trip went as scheduled, I was going to leave for mom's the next day.....yea that plan was cancelled as well.....because well Pictures are worth a thousand words
yea that is my suburban.......40+ mph winds and a top heavy vehicle doesn't mix.......kent lost control due to the wind causing him to fishtail and he hit the curb and rolled it......Austin was strapped in his carseat......I pushed for extended 5 pt harnessing and I am very thankful that I did....He was on the passenger side (this is the drivers side) he would have been thrown around........He did end up with a black eye from something flying but he is fine.......Kent is fine, his ego on the other hand isn't......Mommy on the other hand is just thankful that her boys are ok......Material things can be replaced, they can not..........
Then new years eve rolls around and there is a tornado touched down just south of us.......Seriously can this month get any worse........Nope because thank you lord it is over.......Janurary rolls in with a bang, my parts came in today and my suburban is on its way of getting fixed.........that is until the escape artist goes threw the fence and broke it again........Guess he decided that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence........
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